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Our club is always looking for new sponsors! So are you interested in sponsoring a team, placing an advertisement in our club magazine "The Black Redder" or maybe you want to sponsor a game ball?
Please contact our sponsoring commissioner Christian Stadelmann:

DBSV Red Socks wants to thank the following sponsors and partners:

Sponsors game balls
Season 2017-2018
DBSV 1 - RKVVL POLARIS: Binnenstadservice
DBSV 1 -
RKVV Neerbeek 1: 
DBSV 1 - IBC'03 1:
DBSV 1 - FC Bemelen 1:
DBSV 1 - Vilt 1: 
DBSV 1 - SNC'14 1: 
DBSV 1 - Geertruidse Boys 1:
DBSV 1 - Vijlen 1:
DBSV 1 - Geulsche Boys 1:
DBSV 1 - Sibbe 1:

DBSV 1 - Rood-Groen LVC'01 1:
DBSV 1 - SV Nyswiller 1:

DBSV Red Socks wants to thank all the sponsors of the game balls season 2017-18!

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